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Took Bear to the Vet

Well, I took Bear to the vet, and he's going to be okay. It turns out that he had a bad case of flees. I went with the expensive treatment, so the veterinarian was able to get rid of the pests pretty fast.

Anyways, I had to take him to a vet in the neighboring community of Brindleton Bay because Chilliwack didn't have one. What's really interesting is that Brindleton Bay is also the name of the place where me and Tara had our first kiss back in 1993. I didn't think much about it and just thought that this community had the same name. However, when I arrived at the vet with Bear, I was surprised to see that this was indeed the same Brindleton Bay. What's even more interesting is that Chilliwack didn't exist back in the Willow Creek years, but in this time and possible dimension, Chilliwack and Brindleton Bay exist together.

After pondering for a bit on the thought of Chilliwack and Brindleton Bay existing together in this time and not in the Willow Creek years, I made my way into the vet with Bear. I had to sign in by using the computer near the entrance.

I didn't have to wait long to see a veterinarian after signing in. The guy came about five minutes later. I told him that Bear wasn't feeling well and that me and my parents wanted to get him checked out. The veterinarian told me not to worry, and then he tried comforting Bear by being friendly and talking to him.

The veterinarian took Bear into his office and examined him, and that's when I found out that he had a bad case of flees. So yeah, I told the veterinarian to give Bear the best treatment possible, and I told him that price wasn't an issue. The veterinarian stuck a needle into Bear and washed him with some special shampoo, and then just like that, there were no more flees on him.

You could tell Bear was pretty happy to be free from the flees. He even let out a friendly bark to say thank you to the veterinarian.

I spent some time in the veterinarian's office after he left because I wanted to be double sure that Bear didn't have any flees still on him before we left the vet. After doing a thorough search, all seemed good. There didn't appear to be any more flees on him.

Anyways, me and Bear are just waiting for our taxi to arrive so we can head back home. Once we get back, I guess I better call Tara and tell her what I've learned so far about where we are and what time we're in.


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